Our Vision
The City of Santa Clarita will be recognized as a “City of the Arts,” where the lives of residents, artists, and visitors are enriched through artistic and cultural experiences.
Mission Statement
To facilitate achievement in the arts for the benefit of the entire community.
Our Goals
- Provide leadership for the advancement and support of arts and culture.
- Promote economic development through the arts.
- Enhance arts and cultural education.
Arts Commissioners
Arts Master Plan
The City of Santa Clarita commissioned the Arts Master Plan to create a long-term roadmap for arts, entertainment, and cultural development throughout the community over the next 10 years. The plan addresses several areas of specific interest: public art, Old Town Newhall Arts and Entertainment District, arts education, governance of the arts, cultural facilities, venues and spaces, supporting artists and arts organizations, arts funding, creative economy, marketing the arts, and celebrating diversity.
2024 Accomplishments
February – The Santa Clarita Augmented Reality (AR) app launched, featuring 10 site-specific AR art pieces created by Drake Arnold in various locations in Old Town Newhall.
March – California Institute of the Arts Professor Harry Gamboa Jr. directed and photographed performances in the series “Dawn/Eclipse of a New Era,” capturing the performative nature of human presence against the urban backdrop of Old Town Newhall.
April – The temporary public art piece titled, “Link of Humanity” by artist Danette Landry was installed along the Chuck Pontius Commuter Trail.
May/June – Ten new poems were imprinted at various locations as part of the Sidewalk Poetry Project.
June – A functional public art piece, “Iconic Gas Pump Bike Rack” by artist Mike Burke, was touched up and relocated closer to the Canyon Country Community Center facility.
August – The City hosted its 100th SENSES in Old Town Newhall.
October – Released a Request for Proposals for the new Arts Master Plan. The plan will be developed in 2025, and once adopted by the City Council, will serve as the guiding document for arts and culture for the next 10 years.
The third annual Business for Artists Conference took place at the Canyon Country Community Center, featuring sessions, workshops, networking, and resources. The event concluded with a social hour and two performance art presentations.
The temporary public art piece titled, “Joyful Rhythms” by artist Adrian Litman was installed along the South Fork Trail.
November – The temporary public art piece titled “Daean Fingers” by artist Nicholas Kantarelis was installed along the Bouquet Creek Trail.
2023 Accomplishments
January – Displayed the temporary projection art piece “Quilt” by CalArts Associate Director of Film and Video, John Hawk, and the CalArts Multichannel Video Installation Class.
April – Installed three artworks “Amongst the Wildflowers”, “Santa Clarita Sunrise”, and “In the Wind” by artist H&E Design at the Canyon Country Community Center Design
May – Installed “Union at the End of the Tunnel by artist StudioFolia at Vista Canyon Multi-Modal
May/June – Imprinted 10 new Sidewalk Poems at various locations
August – Installed artwork “Basics #56” by artist Matthias Neumann by San Francisquito Creek Trail
September – February – Arts marketing campaign with Lundmark
Installed temporary art piece “Astral Projection Yellow” by Ray Katz
October – Held the second “Business for Artists Conference” at The Centre
November – Installed Bike Park Bike Rack Public Artwork by Mike Burke
2022 Accomplishments
February – Premiered the “Through the Lens” cultural film series at the MAIN
April – Launched “Celebrate” cultural series at the Canyon Country Community Center
Debuted the “Scenes” cultural dance and music series at the MAIN
April – Displayed the temporary projection art piece “Western Movie Star” by CalArts Associate Director of Film and Video, John Hawk, and the CalArts Multichannel Video Installation Class
Approved three-year agreements with the Santa Clarita Performing Arts Center at the College of the Canyons and the Newhall Family Theatre for the Performing Arts to support their operations and maintenance
The Cultural Planning Group developed an Arts and Veterans Center Needs Assessment for the former senior center in Hart Park
May – Dedicated the Carl Boyer Room at City Hall with art pieces to celebrate Mr. Boyer
May/June – Imprinted 10 new Sidewalk Poems at various locations
June – Held the inaugural “Free To Be Me Music Festival” at the Canyon Country Community Center
Installed the “Book Bike Rack” by Greg Mueller at the Old Town Newhall Library
July – Premiered the “City Cinemas in the Park” film series at Central Park
October – Arts marketing campaign with Lundmark
September – Installed 10 Maintenance Hole Covers at the Canyon Country Community Center
Launched the Youth Arts Initiative in partnership with Santa Clarita Public Library
October – Installed temporary art piece “Endangered Fossils” by Judith Modrak
Held the first “Business for Artists Conference” at The Centre
November – City Council approved the updated Public Art Planning and Selection Process
December – Installed temporary art piece “Basics #56” by Mattias Neumann at the San Francisquito Creek Trailhead
2021 Accomplishments
February – The annual Newhallywood Silent Film Festival was held virtually with the release of multiple interview videos.
May/June – Imprinted 10 new Sidewalk Poems at various locations
June 30 – Installed temporary artwork “Steel Breeze” by Dev Harlan at Plum Canyon Park
July 8 – Installed temporary artwork “Reaching Man” by Ron Whitacre at Bouquet Creek Trailhead
August – Installed temporary artwork “Growing Wings” by Hilde DeBruyne at the South Fork Trailhead
September – A Creative Economy Report was presented to the Arts Commission.
Installed temporary artwork “Circle Song” by artist Katy Krantz at the Canyon Country Community Center.
Installed temporary artwork “Iconic Gas Pump” Bike Rack by artist Mike Burke at the Canyon Country Community Center.
October – The first meeting of the Arts and Business Leadership Council was held with Institute of the Arts President, Dr. Ravi Rajan, and Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation President and CEO, Holly Schroeder, served as the co-chairs of the council.
Installed temporary artwork “Communitree” by artist C.J. Rench at the Canyon Country Community Center.
December– The Arts Education Consortium developed the Santa Clarita Regional Strategic Arts Education Plan presented to the Arts Commission on December 9, 2021.
2020 Accomplishments
Three-Tier Development Process Adopted – Adopted a three-tier process of developing arts grants and public arts projects, utilizing outside peer panels. (Recommendation 4.1)
May/June – Imprinted 10 new Sidewalk Poems at various locations
Installed “California Scape” by artist Forma Studios at Fair Oaks Park
February – The first annual Newhallywood Silent Film Festival was held from February 14 to 16, 2020. The event celebrated the history of silent film and Santa Clarita’s connection to the early days of cinema.
June – The CREATIVE Connection: Leadership Training and Placement program the pilot year in June 2020.
2019 Accomplishments
Creative Connection Launched – Create a program of temporary public art.
2018 Accomplishments
Arts Confab – First Arts Confab held in conjunction with the Thursdays@Newhall Arts Walk.
Amphitheater Feasibility Study – Completed an Amphitheater Feasibility Study. (Recommendation 5.1)
Arts Education Collaborative Established – Arts Commission established the Arts Education Collaborative. (Recommendation 3.1)
Marketing Consultant Funding Approved – Funding was approved to hire a marketing consultant to develop a comprehensive arts marketing program. (Recommendation 9.1)
Cycling Bear Installed – The public art piece, Cycling Bear by Frank Rock, was installed on Bike to Work week located on the Chuck Pontus Commuter Trail.
Support Begins for Newhall Family Theatre – The City of Santa Clarita entered into an agreement to support the operation of the Newhall Family Theatre for the Performing Arts. (Recommendation 2.1)
Arts Consultant Hired – Hired an “on-call” artist, Arts Consultant, to work with City departments and the Arts Commission to suggest aesthetic enhancements for public improvements. (Recommendation 1.5)
Grant Received – The City of Santa Clarita was awarded $90,000 in Arts Grants.
Arts Commission One Sheet – 2018 Accomplishments and work plans for 2019.
2017 Accomplishments
Amphitheater Feasibility Study – Funding was approved for an Amphitheatre Feasibility Study. (Recommendation 5.1)
The Main – The City of Santa Clarita begins managing The MAIN.
Arts Grants – The City of Santa Clarita awarded $90,000 in Arts Grants.
2016 Accomplishments
ARTober – The City of Santa Clarita produces first annual ARTober program.
SantaClaritaArts.com – Launched SantaClaritaArts.com.
Arts Grants – Created a new capacity building category for arts grants. (Recommendation 6.2)
Arts Commission Work Plan – 2016-17 Arts Commission Work Plan (Recommendation 4.2) and Public Art Planning and Selection Process (Recommendation 1.1) adopted by City Council.
Cultural Equity and Inclusion Initiative – Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee partnered with LA County Arts Commission to host a Cultural Equity and Inclusion Initiative Town Hall.
Arts Grants Budget – The City of Santa Clarita Council increased the arts grants budget. (Recommendation 6.1)
Diversity and Inclusion – Arts Commission established the Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee. (Recommendation 10.1)
Arts Master Plan – The City of Santa Clarita City Council adopted the Arts Master Plan on March 9, 2016.
Youth Arts Showcase – The City of Santa Clarita produced the First Annual Youth Arts Showcase.
Arts Economy Prosperity Report
Arts Economic Prosperity IV in the City of Santa Clarita, CA
Santa Clarita Arts and Events Division
22704 Ninth Street
Newhall, CA 91321
(661) 250-3787